About Us
Established 43 years ago, the Law Firm CONSULTA JURIS is a full service Boutique Law Firm. The rating that the Firm has in this field is illustrated, inter alia, by the fact that, the World Bank has been contacting CONSULTA JURIS every year, for inputs on property laws in India, for its Annual Publication “Doing Business in India”.
Consulta Juris is India’s International Law Firm having it’s headquarter based in Mumbai at the old business District of Fort area and having gracious presence in the Diamond and Textile City of India i.e. Surat in the State of Gujarat. The Firm has also explore its global presence by setting up two international offices, one in the second largest city of United Kingdom namely Birmingham in West Midlands and the other one in the historic city called Bolognia in Italy.

Check our portfolio which is built with our experience

C.B Patel

Fabio Fabbi

Ramesh Bakrania

Pankaj Ranjan

Mukesh Jain